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What should the place where you are waiting look like?

How much time do you spend in waiting rooms? It is true that today we all make appointments for a specific time, so as to minimise the number of people in the room. It doesn’t change the fact that there are places where you come a little earlier and have to stay longer.

  • In a beauty or hairdressing salon.
  • In the clinic, at the doctor’s office, outside the office.
  • Maybe you are waiting for someone (a child who has classes, a mother, a friend).

Wherever services are offered and used by people, there must be a place where they can wait their turn. Are they friendly, practical, arranged with an idea? Or maybe they completely spoil the impression, are unaesthetic and shoddy? How do you perceive such interiors? Did the way you were dealt with just before entering make an impression on you? Positive or negative?

First-class service starts much earlier than you think.

If you also provide any services, you have premises, an office, a place where you contact your clients directly, it is necessary for you to take care of the quality of your services from the very first step.

You are already aware of how the possibility of waiting in comfortable conditions affects you. Your clients can also perceive the visit to your place in this way. It’s important that they feel good before you offer them your skills. This will affect the overall assessment of your image. You will become not only a specialist in your field, but you will also offer your interest, which is what the client who is to take up your offer expects from you.

Interiors that invite. The waiting room in the first place.

This small space, if arranged in a well-thought-out way, can become a cosy interior in which everyone will wait calmly and patiently. No need for much furniture, but it is important it is aesthetic and of good quality. The key pieces of furniture are those for sitting. Comfortable, one that an elderly person, an adult and a child can sit on. Without having to think about whether it will withstand the weight or whether it will wear out, how to get up from it? Chairs, sofas, armchairs will create waiting areas.

A place to hang up your outer garments is also essential. Accessible and visible. For taller and shorter ones, because attention to detail is appreciated. A clothes hanger that is simple in form can be interesting and modern. Perfect for a shared space.

Depending on the services you offer, you can invest in shelves, small cabinets or racks. They are the perfect places for decorations related to your business, leaflets, trade papers. Perhaps something for children who tend to be bored in waiting rooms. All this is combined with green plants because they bring life and naturalness to any interior.

The waiting room has its own laws.It is worth investing in its decor. It will be the beginning of good cooperation with the client. It will improve the corporate image. Good associations should be formed at every stage of the business.

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